Saturday, March 8, 2025

Buck saying "It's Me", is that foreshadowing?

In the 9-1-1 episode Sob Stories (season 8 episode 9), why does Buck saying "It's me" to Eddie feel like forshadowing. And not to mention Eddie's shock and suprise reaction afterwards. I know this conversation was about Buck telling Eddie he's renting his house but the "It's me" just felt like such a loud statement. The writers could have used a different choice of words but instead went with "It's me".

I really hope it's foreshadowing because these two are perfect for each other. None of the random love interests they have throughout the series had ever felt like they were right for them. Which is why I will continue to hope that Buck and Eddie will eventually end up together. I also hope it won't take too long for Eddie and his son Christopher to return to Los Angeles.

(gif Source: Vic (bilosan))

(9-1-1 season 8 episode 9: Sob Stories)

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