Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My Updated Thoughts on Eddie and Buck's Looks for the 9-1-1's 8th Season

I just returned from my Internet break and it was very relaxing but now it's back to posting. Okay, during my break, I'd say my initial shock of seeing the upcoming 9-1-1 eighth season looks for Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz and Evan "Buck" Buckley have worn off. And although my opinion hasn't changed, I'm still not a fan of those looks, however, seeing new pictures have added a new perspective.

Actors Ryan Guzman and Oliver Stark have each recently posted pictures that show off their characters' new looks a little better. I'm still not a fan of Eddie's mustache or Buck's hair but at least they don't look as bad as they did from the other pictures. And they aren't completely terrible to look at, they're just not my favorite looks.

Photo Credit:

Ryan Guzman's Instagram Story   (Instagram: ryanaguzman)
Oliver Stark's Instagram Story    (Instagram: oliverstarkk)

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