Saturday, February 8, 2025

Quote: Buck and Eddie (9-1-1 season 2)

Buck: Hey, so is your son really the reason you don't date?

Eddie: That, and... they weren't my type.

Buck: Not mine either. Not anymore. But I'm talking in general.

Eddie: It's complicated when you have a kid.

Buck: Come on, that's a weak excuse.

Eddie: You live in your invisible girlfriend's house, and you're telling me about weak excuses.

~ Evan "Buck" Buckley and Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz, 9-1-1 season 2 episode 4: Stuck

It's so interesting how they can't walk without bumping into each other. It's as if they're magnetized and can't help being drawn back together. Another thing I find interesting is the conversation, because why when Eddie said "They weren't my type", he was looking at Buck (see second gif). And Buck did the same thing when he said "Not mine either. Not Anymore" (see third gif). Prior to this scene, some rather drunk yet attractive women were flirting with Buck and Eddie and neither of them were interested in the women's attention.

At least Buck had the excuse that he had a girlfriend (who albeit was off on a soul searching travel throughout Europe) while Eddie used his son as a way to avoid the idea of dating. And not to mention that at this point in the story, the writers had not introduced Eddie's estranged wife Shannon. So as far as viewers were concerned, Eddie was a single parent using his son as an excuse not to date.

Okay, back to Eddie and Buck separately looking at one another when they said what they said. Both could have still said it but without looking at one another. Because those looks definitely added subtext to both of them and this conversation.

gif: Lois Lane's (loislanes)

(9-1-1 season 2 episode 4: Stuck)

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