Monday, May 6, 2024

Eddie and Buck at the Karaoke bar, did it seem like an intimate moment?

Okay, just look at this scene of Eddie and Buck at the Karaoke bar from the 9-1-1 episode There Goes The Groom (season 7 episode 6). I really wonder if all those random people who were partying with them all night thought they were a couple? The matching Miami Vice theme costumes (or is it more like couples costumes) didn't help either. It wouldn't have been out of place if some other drunk partier walked by and told them to get a room. Especially since they were sitting so close and leaning on each other. Along with Buck being draped all over Eddie, he also had his arm across Eddie's neck which sort of pulled Eddie towards him. Even though they were having a drunk conversation, this just felt like you were looking at a very intimate moment between a couple that you didn't want to intrude upon.

From the Karaoke bar to the hotel room, there were a ton of people around them yet they rarely left each other's side. And not to mention they were both so clingy throughout the night. I don't think I'll ever forget seeing Buck draped all over Eddie at the Karaoke bar. I guess you could say all the alcohol they were drinking lowered their inhibitions. But then does that mean when they are sober, they suppress the desire or urge to be extremely close and touchy feely with each other. Or are they simply unaware of how they truly feel for each other? I hope at some point soon they figure out they have romantic feelings for each other because it truly feels like they are unaware.

gif Source: bilosan

(9-1-1 season 7 episode 6: There Goes The Groom)

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