Monday, October 14, 2024

Video: Buck being weird about Eddie's love life (9-1-1)

In my post Most Memorable Scene: Buck and Eddie staring at each other in the 9-1-1 episode "Panic", I wrote about Evan "Buck" Buckley being weird and passive-aggressive in that episode about Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz going with his then girlfriend Dr. Ana Flores to Ana's sister's baby's christening.

I mention this because I found this video by lover-of-mine which highlights some scenes of Buck being weird about Eddie's love life. In particular about the women that either seem interested in Eddie or women that Eddie was romantically with. I know Buck is Eddie's best friend but he is way too weird about Eddie's love life. I can't get over him suggesting that Eddie ghost Vanessa, the blind date that Eddie was supposed to go on a date with in the 9-1-1 episode Performance Anxiety (season 6 episode 14).

There is a big difference between being a supportive best friend who is trying to be helpful. And being someone who is either actively trying to sabotage their friend's love life (with good and bad advice) or gleeful about your friend being terrible at romance. Buck should be supportive but he's definitely not. But I don't think it's intentional. It makes me think that subconsicously he doesn't want Eddie's love life to be good because he wants to be with Eddie. However, Buck isn't aware of that, so he's not as supportive as he should be. I really hope he figures it out soon and tells Eddie how he feels about him. Hopefully that will happen soon.

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