Saturday, June 15, 2024

Video: Buck and Eddie: "You Have More to Give Than You Think Anyone Can Take"

I know I keep saying all these fan edits I post are amazing but they are. And here is another one and it's by Tina. From the video you can see that there is a clear contrast in Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz's relationship with his late wife Shannon compared to his relationship with Evan "Buck" Buckley. With Shannon, he was hesitant to not only let her back into his and their son Christopher's life but also to trust her. Which is despite them rekindling their relationship after she returned during the second season.

However with Buck, after they bonded after removing a bomb from an elderly man's leg, Eddie easily let Buck into his life. It was such a smooth and quick transition that I don't think Eddie even truly realizes or understands why it was such an easy thing to do. I think Eddie loved the idea of being with Shannon however being with her never really worked out for them. I think on some level he will always love her but even if she hadn't died this would still be a doomed marriage. They never seemed to be on the same page or support each other during the bad times.

It feels like a different story with Buck because their relationship has weathered the storms and has only gotten stronger. I can't wait for Eddie and Buck to go canon because their story is truly one of the best love stories. And they deserve to have the love that they have constantly been searching for.

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